Riding Through Day Two…

We made it to the end town of Emmetsburg this afternoon after a hot, albeit shorter, ride of about 40 miles.


Along the way we encountered skateboarders, a tandem bike made into a banana, and even a guy on a unicycle! Wowza! We spent most of the day drinking fruit shakes to take the edge off the heat, and bicycling through the bucolic Iowa scenery.

skateboard unicycle

banana boat

All in all it was a great riding day and tomorrow promises to be a scorcher of an 80-mile ride! So I guess I’ll be getting up early to try and beat as much of the heat as possible. And I”ll be giving a live online interview with the Des Moines Register so keep an eye out for that 🙂

Thanks for reading!


Vanessa and the Kawayan Krew

O iowa fields

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